设置setlength(a,10) 有没有相反的函数? 怎么获得数组的长度?一维和多维经由过程High() 和 Low() 可以获得数组的长度。SetLength(a,0)可以清除数组。3,c语言中如何自定义数组长度
数组不能在方括号中用变量来表示元素的个数, 但是可以是符号常数或常量表达式。例如: #define FD 5 main() int a[3+2],b[7+FD]; ……}是合法的。但是下述说明方式是错误的。 main() int n=5; int a[n]; ……}但是,数组可以超界使用。4,C语言文件读取的时候如何设置数组长度
动态分配的数组可以自定义数组的长度,示例如下:#include #include #include int main(){printf("输入要分配的内存大小:");int size;scanf("%d", &size); //输入自定义的数组长度int *pstart = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int) *size);if (pstart==0) {printf("不能分配内存\n");return 0;}memset(pstart, 0x00, sizeof(int) * size);int inx;for (inx=0; inx!=size; ++inx) pstart[inx] = inx;for (inx=0; inx!=size; ++inx) printf("%d\t", pstart[inx]);printf("\n");return 0;}
5,菜鸟问题怎样在程序中设置数组的长度myarrayarray of strin
有没有搞错,用StringList嘛本来就是动态的string类型数组。delphi帮助中的一段话,仔细读读,你就可以解决了。------------------------------------------Within the body of a routine, open array parameters are governed by the following rules.They are always zero-based. The first element is 0, the second element is 1, and so forth. The standard Low and High functions return 0 and Length ?1, respectively. The SizeOf function returns the size of the actual array passed to the routine. They can be accessed by element only. Assignments to an entire open array parameter are not allowed. They can be passed to other procedures and functions only as open array parameters or untyped var parameters. They cannot be passed to SetLength.Instead of an array, you can pass a variable of the open array parameter抯 base type. It will be treated as an array of length 1.怎样数组的长度myarray:array of string? 需要在运行时动态的改变数组的长度! 请大虾指点