





    mysql master   :
    mysql slave     :
    keepalived vip :
    1.  mysql双主的构建
        ① 互相 change master 即可,此处省略该过程,着重讲下keepalived

    2. keepalived相关
        ①  yum -y install keepalived 安装keepalived
        ② root@ keepalived -v
            Keepalived v1.2.7 (02/21,2013)

        ③ 编辑 /etc/keepalived/keepalived.conf   


  1. root@ cat keepalived.conf

  2. ! Configuration File for keepalived

  3. global_defs {##全局配置

  4.    notification_email {

  5.                    #####邮件接收者

  6.    }

  7.    notification_email_from    #####邮件发送者

  8.    smtp_server               #####SMTP服务器

  9.    smtp_connect_timeout 30

  10.    router_id haMySQL                      #####routerID 同一组keepalived设置为相同

  11. }

  12. vrrp_script chk_mysql {##健康检测相关配置

  13.     script "/etc/keepalived/" #####设置脚本 或者直命令  返回 0 则表示成功 >0 则表示失败, 详情可以后面的脚本内容

  14.     interval 1                            #####检测间隔

  15.     weight 2                              #####检测返回失败之后优先级会减少 2 (如果 master优先级100 , slave 优先级 99 ,master检测失败则优先级为100-2 < 99 ,则slave会提升为主)

  16. }

  17. vrrp_instance VI_1 {

  18.     state MASTER                          ##### 设为master

  19.     interface eth2                        ##### 网卡设定

  20.     virtual_router_id 51                  ##### 针对该 instance的虚拟id  , 同一组 instance设置相同

  21.     priority 100                          ##### 优先级设定

  22.     advert_int 1                          ##### 检测时间间隔

  23.     authentication {

  24.         auth_type PASS                    ##### 同一组instance之间的认证方式为 PASS ,pass 为7777 ,必须相同(防止 有用户恶意伪造 vrrp)

  25.         auth_pass 7777

  26.     }

  27.     virtual_ipaddress {

  28.                    ##### 设置虚拟ip ,可以设置多个

  29.     }


  31.     track_script {

  32.     chk_mysql                             ##### 表示该instance 使用chk_mysql进行相关检测

  33.     }

  34.   ##### 以下配置 在该实例 转换为 master,slave,或者出错的时候执行的脚本(可以设置邮件通知,或者处理一些其他问题)

  35.    # notify_master "/etc/keepalived/"

  36.    # notify_slave "/etc/keepalived/"

  37.    # notify_fault "/etc/keepalived/"

  38. }

  39. root@ cat keepalived.conf

  40. ! Configuration File for keepalived

  41. global_defs {

  42.    notification_email {


  44.    }

  45.    notification_email_from

  46.    smtp_server

  47.    smtp_connect_timeout 30

  48.    router_id haMySQL

  49. }

  50. vrrp_script chk_mysql {

  51.         script "/etc/keepalived/"

  52.         interval 1

  53.         weight 2

  54. }

  55. vrrp_instance VI_1 {

  56.     state BACKUP                            ##### 该主机作为备机 BACKUP 

  57.     interface eth2

  58.     virtual_router_id 51

  59.     priority 99                             ##### 优先级设置 小于 master

  60.     advert_int 1

  61.     authentication {

  62.         auth_type PASS

  63.         auth_pass 7777

  64.     }

  65.     virtual_ipaddress {


  67.     }


  69.     track_script {

  70.         chk_mysql

  71.     }

  72. }

  73. root@ cat

  74. #!/bin/bash

  75. num=`ps -ef |grep mysqld | grep -v grep | wc -l`        ##### 查看mysqld进程数量 , 正常情况有一个root起的mysqld_safe守护进程,还有一个属于mysql用户的mysqld进程

  76. [[ $num -eq 2 ]] && exit 0 || exit 1

    3. 故障模拟
       ① 启动 keepalived    


  1. root@ tail /var/log/messages

  2. Apr 29 13:45:24 localhost Keepalived_healthcheckers[24184]: Registering Kernel netlink command channel

  3. Apr 29 13:45:24 localhost Keepalived_healthcheckers[24184]: Opening file '/etc/keepalived/keepalived.conf'.

  4. Apr 29 13:45:24 localhost Keepalived_healthcheckers[24184]: Configuration is using : 7417 Bytes

  5. Apr 29 13:45:24 localhost Keepalived_vrrp[24185]: Opening file '/etc/keepalived/keepalived.conf'.

  6. Apr 29 13:45:24 localhost Keepalived_vrrp[24185]: Configuration is using : 65552 Bytes

  7. Apr 29 13:45:24 localhost Keepalived_vrrp[24185]: Using LinkWatch kernel netlink reflector...

  8. Apr 29 13:45:24 localhost Keepalived_healthcheckers[24184]: Using LinkWatch kernel netlink reflector...

  9. Apr 29 13:45:25 localhost Keepalived_vrrp[24185]: VRRP_Script(chk_mysql) succeeded

  10. Apr 29 13:45:25 localhost Keepalived_vrrp[24185]: VRRP_Instance(VI_1) Transition to MASTER STATE

  11. Apr 29 13:45:26 localhost Keepalived_vrrp[24185]: VRRP_Instance(VI_1) Entering MASTER STATE

  12. root@ tailf /var/log/messages

  13. Apr 29 13:49:27 localhost Keepalived_healthcheckers[32569]: Registering Kernel netlink reflector

  14. Apr 29 13:49:27 localhost Keepalived_healthcheckers[32569]: Registering Kernel netlink command channel

  15. Apr 29 13:49:27 localhost Keepalived_vrrp[32570]: Opening file '/etc/keepalived/keepalived.conf'.

  16. Apr 29 13:49:27 localhost Keepalived_vrrp[32570]: Configuration is using : 65550 Bytes

  17. Apr 29 13:49:27 localhost Keepalived_vrrp[32570]: Using LinkWatch kernel netlink reflector...

  18. Apr 29 13:49:27 localhost Keepalived_healthcheckers[32569]: Opening file '/etc/keepalived/keepalived.conf'.

  19. Apr 29 13:49:27 localhost Keepalived_healthcheckers[32569]: Configuration is using : 7415 Bytes

  20. Apr 29 13:49:27 localhost Keepalived_vrrp[32570]: VRRP_Instance(VI_1) Entering BACKUP STATE

  21. Apr 29 13:49:27 localhost Keepalived_healthcheckers[32569]: Using LinkWatch kernel netlink reflector...

  22. Apr 29 13:49:27 localhost Keepalived_vrrp[32570]: VRRP_Script(chk_mysql) succeeded

    ip a 可以查看到 vip 在上
    ② 关闭 111.52上面的mysql


  1. root@ mysqladmin shutdown

  2. root@ tailf /var/log/messages

  3. Apr 29 14:19:30 localhost Keepalived_vrrp[24862]: VRRP_Script(chk_mysql) failed

  4. Apr 29 14:19:32 localhost Keepalived_vrrp[24862]: VRRP_Instance(VI_1) Received higher prio advert

  5. Apr 29 14:19:32 localhost Keepalived_vrrp[24862]: VRRP_Instance(VI_1) Entering BACKUP STATE

  6. root@ tailf /var/log/messages

  7. Apr 29 14:19:55 localhost Keepalived_vrrp[566]: VRRP_Instance(VI_1) forcing a new MASTER election

  8. Apr 29 14:19:56 localhost Keepalived_vrrp[566]: VRRP_Instance(VI_1) Transition to MASTER STATE

  9. Apr 29 14:19:57 localhost Keepalived_vrrp[566]: VRRP_Instance(VI_1) Entering MASTER STATE

    ip a 可以查看到 vip 在上

    ③ 启动111.52上面的mysql


  1. root@ mysqld_safe & ; tailf /var/log/messages

  2. Apr 29 14:24:21 localhost Keepalived_vrrp[24862]: VRRP_Script(chk_mysql) succeeded

  3. Apr 29 14:24:22 localhost Keepalived_vrrp[24862]: VRRP_Instance(VI_1) forcing a new MASTER election

  4. Apr 29 14:24:23 localhost Keepalived_vrrp[24862]: VRRP_Instance(VI_1) Transition to MASTER STATE

  5. Apr 29 14:24:24 localhost Keepalived_vrrp[24862]: VRRP_Instance(VI_1) Entering MASTER STATE

  6. root@ tailf /var/log/messages

  7. Apr 29 14:24:45 localhost Keepalived_vrrp[566]: VRRP_Instance(VI_1) Received higher prio advert

  8. Apr 29 14:24:45 localhost Keepalived_vrrp[566]: VRRP_Instance(VI_1) Entering BACKUP STATE

    ip a 可以查看到 vip 在上,也就是说111.52会持续通过track_script的脚本检查 ,若成功的话会恢复原来的优先级100 ,便把vip抢过来了(若不希望优先级高的直接上来直接抢占vip的话 需要再instance 里面配置 nopreempt ,backup无需设置)

    以上是实验是通过 vrrp_script以及trace_script 实现优先级变换来实现故障转移的,现在看下 通过虚拟server怎么实现mysql的高可用
    ① 配置


  1. root@ cat /etc/keepalived/keepalived.conf

  2. ! Configuration File for keepalived

  3. global_defs {

  4.    notification_email {


  6.    }

  7.    notification_email_from

  8.    smtp_server

  9.    smtp_connect_timeout 30

  10.    router_id haMySQL

  11. }

  12. vrrp_script chk_mysql {

  13.     script "/etc/keepalived/"

  14.     interval 1

  15.     weight 2

  16. }

  17. vrrp_instance VI_1 {

  18.     state MASTER

  19.     interface eth2

  20.     virtual_router_id 51

  21.     priority 100

  22.     nopreempt

  23.     advert_int 1

  24.     authentication {

  25.         auth_type PASS

  26.         auth_pass 7777

  27.     }

  28.     virtual_ipaddress {


  30.     }


  32. #    track_script {

  33. #    chk_mysql

  34. #    }

  35. }

  36. virtual_server 3306 {

  37.     delay_loop 6

  38.     persistence_timeout 300

  39.     protocol TCP

  40.     real_server 3306 {

  41.         weight 1

  42.         notify_down /etc/keepalived/

  43.         TCP_CHECK {

  44.             tcp_port 3306

  45.             connect_timeout 3

  46.         }

  47.     }

  48. }

  49. root@ cat /etc/keepalived/keepalived.conf

  50. ! Configuration File for keepalived

  51. global_defs {

  52.    notification_email {


  54.    }

  55.    notification_email_from

  56.    smtp_server

  57.    smtp_connect_timeout 30

  58.    router_id haMySQL

  59. }

  60. vrrp_script chk_mysql {

  61.         script "/etc/keepalived/"

  62.         interval 1

  63.         weight 2

  64. }

  65. vrrp_instance VI_1 {

  66.     state BACKUP

  67.     interface eth2

  68.     virtual_router_id 51

  69.     priority 99

  70.     advert_int 1

  71.     authentication {

  72.         auth_type PASS

  73.         auth_pass 7777

  74.     }

  75.     virtual_ipaddress {


  77.     }


  79. #    track_script {    #########这里先注释掉 通过追踪脚本的检查

  80. #        chk_mysql

  81. #    }

  82. }

  83. virtual_server 3306 {

  84.     delay_loop 6

  85.     persistence_timeout 300

  86.     protocol TCP

  87.     real_server 3306 {### 真实 服务

  88.         weight 1                                    #### 权重,用来多真实服务 均衡使用

  89.         notify_down /etc/keepalived/    ####在检查该服务不可用时执行该脚本(用来杀死 keepalived 实现 vip 飘逸)

  90.         TCP_CHECK {

  91.                 tcp_port 3306                       #### 检查端口 继承 real_server 3306 {### 真实 服务

  92.             connect_timeout 3                       #### tcp超时时间

  93.         }

  94.     }

  95. }

  96. root@ cat /etc/keepalived/

  97. #!/bin/bash

  98. killall keepalived



  1. root@ keepalived

  2. root@ tailf /var/log/messages

  3. Apr 29 14:48:22 localhost Keepalived_vrrp[20482]: Opening file '/etc/keepalived/keepalived.conf'.

  4. Apr 29 14:48:22 localhost Keepalived_vrrp[20482]: Configuration is using : 64590 Bytes

  5. Apr 29 14:48:22 localhost Keepalived_vrrp[20482]: Using LinkWatch kernel netlink reflector...

  6. Apr 29 14:48:22 localhost Keepalived_healthcheckers[20481]: IPVS: Scheduler not found

  7. Apr 29 14:48:22 localhost kernel: IPVS: Scheduler module ip_vs_ not found

  8. Apr 29 14:48:22 localhost Keepalived_healthcheckers[20481]: IPVS: Service not defined

  9. Apr 29 14:48:22 localhost Keepalived_healthcheckers[20481]: Using LinkWatch kernel netlink reflector...

  10. Apr 29 14:48:22 localhost Keepalived_healthcheckers[20481]: Activating healthchecker for service []:3306

  11. Apr 29 14:48:23 localhost Keepalived_vrrp[20482]: VRRP_Instance(VI_1) Transition to MASTER STATE

  12. Apr 29 14:48:24 localhost Keepalived_vrrp[20482]: VRRP_Instance(VI_1) Entering MASTER STATE

  13. root@ keepalived

  14. root@ tailf /var/log/messages

  15. Apr 29 14:48:51 localhost Keepalived_healthcheckers[25092]: Configuration is using : 11673 Bytes

  16. Apr 29 14:48:51 localhost Keepalived_vrrp[25093]: Opening file '/etc/keepalived/keepalived.conf'.

  17. Apr 29 14:48:51 localhost Keepalived_vrrp[25093]: Configuration is using : 64568 Bytes

  18. Apr 29 14:48:51 localhost Keepalived_vrrp[25093]: Using LinkWatch kernel netlink reflector...

  19. Apr 29 14:48:51 localhost Keepalived_vrrp[25093]: VRRP_Instance(VI_1) Entering BACKUP STATE

  20. Apr 29 14:48:51 localhost kernel: IPVS: Scheduler module ip_vs_ not found

  21. Apr 29 14:48:51 localhost Keepalived_healthcheckers[25092]: IPVS: Scheduler not found

  22. Apr 29 14:48:51 localhost Keepalived_healthcheckers[25092]: IPVS: Service not defined

  23. Apr 29 14:48:51 localhost Keepalived_healthcheckers[25092]: Using LinkWatch kernel netlink reflector...

  24. Apr 29 14:48:51 localhost Keepalived_healthcheckers[25092]: Activating healthchecker for service []:3306

    此时 ip a 命令可以查看虚拟ip 111.60 在111.52(master) 上
    ③关闭 111.52上的mysql


  1. root@ mysqladmin shutdown

  2. 2017-04-29T07:07:38.121123Z mysqld_safe mysqld from pid file /opt/mysql/ ended

  3. [1]+  Done                    mysqld_safe

  4. root@ tailf /var/log/messages

  5. Apr 29 15:07:31 localhost Keepalived_healthcheckers[23405]: TCP connection to []:3306 failed !!!

  6. Apr 29 15:07:31 localhost Keepalived_healthcheckers[23405]: Removing service []:3306 from VS []:3306

  7. Apr 29 15:07:31 localhost Keepalived_healthcheckers[23405]: IPVS: Service not defined

  8. Apr 29 15:07:31 localhost Keepalived_healthcheckers[23405]: Executing [/etc/keepalived/] for service []:3306 in VS []:3306

  9. Apr 29 15:07:31 localhost Keepalived_healthcheckers[23405]: Lost quorum 1-0=1 > 0 for VS []:3306

  10. Apr 29 15:07:31 localhost Keepalived_healthcheckers[23405]: Remote SMTP server []:25 connected.

  11. Apr 29 15:07:31 localhost Keepalived[23404]: Stopping Keepalived v1.2.7 (02/21,2013)

  12. Apr 29 15:07:31 localhost Keepalived_healthcheckers[23405]: IPVS: No such service

  13. Apr 29 15:07:31 localhost Keepalived_vrrp[23406]: VRRP_Instance(VI_1) sending 0 priority

  14. root@ tailf /var/log/messages

  15. Apr 29 15:07:32 localhost Keepalived_vrrp[26815]: VRRP_Instance(VI_1) Transition to MASTER STATE

  16. Apr 29 15:07:33 localhost Keepalived_vrrp[26815]: VRRP_Instance(VI_1) Entering MASTER STATE

    此时 ip a 命令可以看到虚拟ip 111.60在111.53(新master)上

